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Showing posts from November, 2020

The Enclave Tactics & Overview v5.0

 The Enclave Tactics & Overview v5.0   One look at the Enclave's cards will tell you immediately that their main tactic is the fortress: building synergy between models close by like so many stones until it's a towering proposition to fight them. Now, other factions have fortressing as a possibility as well; the Minutemen minifaction is a prime example, and the existence of Aura-based Leader upgrade cards also make it a possibility for anyone to build a fortress of sorts.  However, the Enclave exists mainly as a fortress faction, and they pay a premium for it. Your basic Enclave Soldier is barely better than a BoS Knight and costs 33 Caps more nekkid . Paladins are better than Hellfire Soldiers and are much cheaper. Enclave Trainees only have 4 in their combat stat and barely cost less than Aspirants... er, Knight Patrols/Blades. So in using the Enclave you should leverage that synergy into an Enclave Fortress. The most sensible method is to consciously build mul...