The Enclave Tactics & Overview v5.0 One look at the Enclave's cards will tell you immediately that their main tactic is the fortress: building synergy between models close by like so many stones until it's a towering proposition to fight them. Now, other factions have fortressing as a possibility as well; the Minutemen minifaction is a prime example, and the existence of Aura-based Leader upgrade cards also make it a possibility for anyone to build a fortress of sorts. However, the Enclave exists mainly as a fortress faction, and they pay a premium for it. Your basic Enclave Soldier is barely better than a BoS Knight and costs 33 Caps more nekkid . Paladins are better than Hellfire Soldiers and are much cheaper. Enclave Trainees only have 4 in their combat stat and barely cost less than Aspirants... er, Knight Patrols/Blades. So in using the Enclave you should leverage that synergy into an Enclave Fortress. The most sensible method is to consciously build mul...
iamfanboy's gaming wisdom, or what passes for it when he has had a little too much sugar and wants to talk for a bit.