New California Republic (NCR) Tactics & Overview, v5.2 What makes the NCR SPECIAL? Well, it's their Faction rule, of course. Being able to swap a Reaction marker - which is normally only offensive - for a free piece of cover against one shot is quite solid. They also have a wide variety of excellent shooting models, with even your basic NCR Troopers being decent with the right guns. Their Uniques are also uniquely supportive - acting as excellent force multipliers. Lastly, all their models have at least two Expertise skills, and some have all three - though only a few have them at any high number - so you can in theory get by without dedicated objective runners. What makes them not SPECIAL? A complete lack of close combat. Only three models in the whole faction break 6 in the Melee skill, and only one model (which isn't any of the above) can beat STR 7 for the bonus Black. This also makes their vaunted Reaction Markers worth less against Melee-centric factions, as there...
iamfanboy's gaming wisdom, or what passes for it when he has had a little too much sugar and wants to talk for a bit.