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Showing posts from May, 2021

New California Republic (NCR) Tactics & Overview, v5.2

 New California Republic (NCR) Tactics & Overview, v5.2   What makes the NCR SPECIAL? Well, it's their Faction rule, of course. Being able to swap a Reaction marker - which is normally only offensive - for a free piece of cover against one shot is quite solid. They also have a wide variety of excellent shooting models, with even your basic NCR Troopers being decent with the right guns. Their Uniques are also uniquely supportive - acting as excellent force multipliers. Lastly, all their models have at least two Expertise skills, and some have all three - though only a few have them at any high number - so you can in theory get by without dedicated objective runners. What makes them not SPECIAL? A complete lack of close combat. Only three models in the whole faction break 6 in the Melee skill, and only one model (which isn't any of the above) can beat STR 7 for the bonus Black. This also makes their vaunted Reaction Markers worth less against Melee-centric factions, as there...

Caesar's Legion Tactics & Overview v5.1

 CEASAR'S LEGION TACTICS & OVERVIEW, V5.1   Confession time: I never, EVER sided with Caesar's Legion for longer than it took for my cannibal to kill Caesar and eat his heart for the Meat of Champions perk. Even setting aside the goody-goody RP type who'd hate the sexist enslavers creating an empire doomed to collapse on the death of one man, there never seemed a good reason to back them even if creating a sociopath who wants all the power and glory: Why not just kill House and take over New Vegas if that's your jam? With that said, I kinda like Caesar's Legion in FWW. What makes them SPECIAL is solid all-round HP, sharply specialized models so you're not paying for stats you won't be using, and solid auras. What makes them not SPECIAL? Well... no Heavy Weapons aside from the Courier who's bad at it; no Chems or Power Armor; much like the BoS they have no cool special rules just restrictions and tactical choices that makes the Super Mutants look nuan...